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BWB Technologies - Continually pushing the boundaries of flame photometry

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From brine to cement, serum to condensate; our range of applications and technical documents and industry specific instruments ensure that we can provide a solution to your analytical requirements. 

If you have a specific element, or more than one element, that you're interested in, click on the element tiles a little further down the page, to filter the list of application notes to meet your needs.

We've added a dilution calculator here, to help with calibration.

One common question we've been asked, has been how to calculate the amount of a calibration standard that is required to be generate a sample used for calibration purposes.

To that end here is a calculator for you to use - just enter the Stock Concentration, Final Concentration and the Final Volume required, and the Volume from Stock box will be populated with the correct value to use.


Stock Concentration:


Final Concentration:


Final Volume:


Dilution Calculator


Volume from Stock:

Application Notes

Ca Tile - Not selected
Ca Tile - Selected
K Tile - Not selected
K Tile - Selected
Na Tile - Not selected
Na Tile - Selected
Li Tile - Not selected
Li Tile - Selected
Ba Tile - Not selected
Ba Tile - Selected
Cs Tile - Not selected
Cs Tile - Selected

Determination of Ion Concentration in Drinking Water

Determination of Low Concentrations of Sodium and Potassium in Water Samples.

Determination of Na and K using Emulsions and Microemulsions for Sample Preparation

Determination of Na in Biodiesel using Dry Decomposition for Sample Preparation

Determination of Sodium in Biodiesel by Flame Atomic

Measurement of Calcium and Potassium in Cereals

Measurement of Calcium in Biological Samples

Measurement of Calcium in DNA and DNP

Measurement of Calcium in Fresh Fruit

Measurement of Calcium in Serum & Urine

Measurement of Calcium in Unashed Plant Leaves

Measurement of Lithium Sea Water

Measurement of Lithium in Minerals

Measurement of Lithium in Saliva

Measurement of Low Concentrations of Sodium in Cement

Measurement of Na, K and Ca in Plant Extracts

Measurement of Potassium and Sodium in Bread

Measurement of Potassium and Sodium in Meat

Measurement of Potassium and Sodium in Wine

Measurement of Potassium in Unashed Plant Leaves

Measurement of Sodium and Potassium in Cheese

Measurement of Sodium and Potassium in Dried Milk

Measurement of Sodium and Potassium in Silicate Rocks

Measurement of Trace Elements in Biodiesel

Potassium Extraction from Soil

Recommended Sample Handling Techniques & Considerations

Salinity in Processed Foods

Units of Concentration

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