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Representative sampling is a term analytical chemists use as a statistical basis for collecting samples from large sample sources that...
What is representative sampling and how can it be used on two-dimensional areas?

Sources of background interferences are those that emit either light or electronic interference. These are usually cancelled out from the...
Identifying background radiation sources in flame photometry

Lattice energy is the energy needed to separate a mole of an ionic solid into gaseous ions. Its internationally recognised definition is...
What is lattice energy and how does it influence flame photometry?

When it comes to physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct forms in which matter exists. It’s understandable that you...
Can I use a phase diagram to determine states of matter?

Having the ability to question what is all around us, is vital to our progression as the alpha species on Planet Earth. But how did we go...
The scientific method – from conjecture and hypothesis to predictions and analysis

Spectral interference, or spectral overlap, is a term used by scientists who are interested in looking at the emission wavelengths of...
What is spectral interference, when does it occur and how can it be minimised?

Today we discuss the difference between the two bonds. A covalent bond is a type of bonding which occurs between two atomic nuclei. This...
What is the difference between a covalent bond and a dative bond?

The visible light spectrum is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum picked up by the human eye. This spectrum ranges between 380 and...
What is the visible light spectrum and can the human eye see it?

A laser is a device which stimulates molecules or atoms to emit light at particular wavelengths. It will then amplify that light and...
What is a laser and how does it work?

When using a flame photometer, flame stability can be affected by a number of different factors and outside influences. These include...
What outside influences can affect a flame photometer?

At BWB Tech, we use flame photometry to measure how bright light appears to the human eye. We use photometry to analyse Sodium,...
Selecting specific ions for analysis in flame photometry

A Venturi or Venturi tube is a system used to speed up the flow of fluid by constricting it in a cone-shaped tube. As it is restricted,...
What is the Venturi effect and how does it work in a nebuliser?

When carrying out any form of analytical chemistry, it is common for some to achieve one set of results, only to then repeat the process...
What factors can affect your results when using flame photometry?

In the last 100 years, the technological prowess of the human race has undoubtedly been the human race’s greatest achievement. Albert...
How has Albert Einstein’s work influenced modern-day scientific methodology?

Sodium is a chemical element and the most common metal found in the universe. It is a soft metal which can be easily cut with a knife....
What is sodium, where is it found and why it's important?

An aerosol is a suspension of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in air or another gas. Aerosols occur naturally and can also be...
What is an aerosol and how is it used in flame photometry?

It has been nearly 150 years since Paul Champion, Henri Pellet and Charles Grenier developed a method of analysing the concentration of...