The BWB BIO Flame Photometer
Our flagship photometer for biological applications.

Specially configured for a range of user interests
“IRS” (Internal Reference Standard) caesium or lithium option
Single point calibration correction
Internal reference standards
5 and 6 point multi-ion calibration standards for urine and serum included
Analysing Li and Ca along with Na and K
Operator independent determination of results
Advanced automated determination of results
Integrated printer with environmentally friendly ink
IQ, OQ, PQ web-based certification standard on BIO and available on all BWB FES units
Correction of Ca for the interference from high levels of Na

A specialist flame photometer for use with biological samples and special built in features for the analysis of blood and urine.
The BWB BIO has been created for measuring biological solutions and is modernized for today’s research work; which requires routine, quick measurements, with high levels of accuracy for lithium, calcium, sodium and potassium elements.
Our recent release is the combination of several “wish lists” from PhD’s in Germany, Chile, Colombia, USA and Canada principally in renal research, diabetes and Alzheimer’s research. Production reagents and solutions QA and QC are facilitated quickly by our unique simultaneous detection and data processing for all atoms of interest.
When connected to a PC with the BWB FP-PC app, the user can create .pdf files, .csv files, data presentations and reports that include all the key analysis data. The FP-PC Software also allows setup of the Automatic Fluid Handling System, AFHS, originally designed to work specifically with the BIO unit.
The software enables you to view and edit the calibration curves. The intuitive user-friendly operation of the BWB BIO spans all languages and appeals to all levels of users. The BWB BIO is the must-have instrument in today’s research laboratory.
For sites that do not allow PCs or data acquisition in the test lab, the Printer provides the “hard copy” required for QA and QC purposes. The environmentally friendly print ink used by the printer has a minimum character capture life of 10 years. The printer is also compatible with other readily available paper stock.
To enhance accuracy and reproducibility there is an option to use either Caesium or Lithium as an Internal Reference System (IRS) that acts as an internal standard to adjust small changes during calibration and measuring.